Flygskam for Lent

Flygskam– pronounced “fleeg-skahm” is the feeling of shame that people now experience when they fly. This Lent, perhaps we should give up flying. Skiing in Kitzbühel this Easter? Google will help you get there without climbing as high as the ski-lift. Just 14 hours 19 minutes from Stone, though the cost may be significant– anything...

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PCC News

The P.C.C. met on 22nd January 2020 and the following matters were reported: Rev Kingman expressed enormous thanks on behalf of the PCC to Helen Bowes and the team for all the hard work in organising and running the Advent Windows event.Rev Kingman reported that Christ Church and Oulton First schools were graded good in...

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Fairtrade – Update – March 2020

Fairtrade Fortnight begins on 24th February continues till 8th March. As a Fairtrade registered church we support this event and are committed to using fair-trade coffee, tea and sugar for our refreshments.  We are in the process of re-registering Christ Church and Oulton as fair-trade churches.  (Cecilia first registered us in 2004.) You can also...

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Pandemic: trusting in the midst of fear

The board game ‘Pandemic’ (Z-Man Games 2007) is described in this way: ‘As skilled members of a disease-fighting team, you and the other players work together to keep the world safe from outbreaks and epidemics. Only through teamwork will you have a chance to find a cure’. It’s good to know that there is a possible...

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