Razzamatazz Robots Holiday Club

Come join our Holiday Club! Book below!
Come join our Holiday Club! Book below!
From the Christ Church Parish Magazine of 1887. Precisely at 1 o'clock, 522 of the aged, poor and widows gathered at the allotted centres for a good Dinner. At the same hour 1738 Sunday scholars were being equally well served in the different schools. So far as concerns our own parish everything went off satisfactorily....
I enjoy growing herbs in my garden, some are perennials always there for the picking, bay leaves, rosemary and thyme enriching casseroles and all manner of dishes. Oregano and sage and parsley (sometimes) are welcome herbs all the year round. Some herbs like mint, basil and coriander are more seasonal delighting us in the warmer...
It has been a busy and eventful year! Covid casts a long shadow, but we seem to be emerging positively. Assemblies in Christ Church Academy have been a consistent way for us to reach children despite covid. which has been a great blessing for us! For most of the past year, these assemblies have been...
Jesus expects us to spend time alone in personal prayer, He said, “when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father”....(Matthew 6:6a). Personal prayer is not an easy option. All of us at some time or another will have had difficulties with it. With the best of intentions our...