“Adventure Cruise” Holiday Club – Easter 2015

What is Adventure Cruise Holiday Club? Adventure Cruise Holiday Club is a 4-day fun event for children aged 4 – 11 years (school years Reception to Year 6) run by volunteers from Christ Church, Stone and Oulton Church. We aim to teach the children some basic Christian values whilst having a great time together. To...

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Rocksalt World Tour

Rocksalt World Tour The band Rocksalt was formed in 1977 at the height of the church coffee bar scene. The four original members of John Martin (Bass), Pete Mason (Keyboards), Tim Headley (Drums) and Phil Stokes (Guitar) put their combined and albeit limited musical skills together and started playing at any venue that would have...

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Fruitfulness on the Frontline

What does fruitfulness look like in our everyday lives? How can we serve God in the many, many hours of our waking time?   Whether we are housewives or students, factory workers, sales assistants or retired, God can use us in many different ways. That's not by adding new things to our much-to-do-about everything lists....

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A bright future? – Magazine Leader, March, 2015

At the end of this month summertime begins. You may be relieved to leave behind the shorter days. As we look to the future we have the expectation of spring bulbs bursting into life, beckoning the long summer days. The emergence from darkness to experience the dawning of light illustrates the Christian hope. The future...

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