Lessons from a school

Our granddaughter came to stay and one day the whole house was turned into a school with the garden becoming the playground. (“We are sure”, we said,” that whistles are ONLY blown in the playground”). Various rooms became classrooms. Poor class 10 only had the understairs toilet. “Bit of a squash”, observed big brother. The...

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Christ Church 89 years ago

Old Photo of Christ Church

Some household tips from 1933 Needles will not rust if kept in a piece of flannel that has been soaked in paraffin and allowed to dry. They can be kept for several years in a very damp climate, unspoiled, in a workbox not airtight! Renovating Deck Chairs — Get double the length of striped canvas,...

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Lent Course: The Bible –

A Story that makes Sense of Life The political, social and cultural upheaval of our times can leave us feeling bewildered and wondering where to turn for trustworthy guidance. As unlikely as it may seem, could the Bible provide ancient wisdom that helps us flourish today? Join us on a fascinating series with Andrew Ollerton...

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Christingle – December 18th 2021

The Christingle celebration went ahead last year 2021 albeit with fewer children. However the children made their Christingles and we talked about the meaning of them, it was lovely to see many of our past mums and toddlers. The toddlers of course being much bigger now than when they last attended the Monday morning group...

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