Life of Jesus – the man and why he matters (a 6-week course for Lent)

What really happened back in the first century, in Jerusalem and around the lake of Galilee, that changed the shape of world history? Following on from his award-winning documentary The Christ Files, ancient historian John Dickson takes us on a new journey through the most significant parts of Jesus’ life. Shot on location in Israel,...

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Christ above everything – Magazine Leader, February 2016

A survey asked people from across the world what they value most in life. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) ‘Better Life Initiative’ collected data continuously from 2011. About 60,000 responses from 180 countries were gathered. The so called ‘Better Life Index’ makes it possible to compare wellbeing across countries using the ten...

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All is revealed! Christ Church Magazine – January 2016

All is revealed! Revelations make big news. The uncovering of something that has not been heard or seen before, hooks our interest. We’re more interested in what is novel. As we rush into a new year, will the message of Christmas be packed up and put in the loft with the tinsel? What have we...

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