Roger writes about the time he really put his foot in it!

My father was a disciplinarian of few words, and I always tried to heed his sharp commands. However underneath Dad’s gruff exterior was a sensitive and loving man. When walking together he would sometimes say “Watch where you are putting your feet, Son,” and then with a sinister whisper, as if the matter was almost...

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Hope Explored

There are few emotions more powerful than hope. It’s a spark inside you that brings a smile to your lips; a light that shows on your face; a feeling that lifts your head and pulls you forward. Hope is what keeps us alive. But these days it hope often feels hard to come by. Yet real...

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Advent Windows – Year 10

It was 7 years ago this month when I moved into Stone. It was a dark, drizzly December day and the forecasters were talking about the possibility of some light snow. As a newish widow, I was still struggling to feel any sense of excitement or Christmas cheer. Then the following day, while walking along...

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